Kaget banget ketika saya membuka email untuk mengecek, dan saya mendapatkan inbox saya kembali terisi dengan email baru.
Kekagetan saya itu bertambah ketika saya melihat itu bukan dari orang Indonesia tetapi dari orang Sudan yang sama sekali tidak saya tau keberadaannya. Saya bingung dan muncul petrtanyaan apakah ini penipuan???, karena saya sama sekali tidak pernah berhubungan dengan orang luar, dari mana ia mendapatkan alamat Email saya....
Ini suratnya::::
My Address in Sudan is: Unit ** Sunset Villa
No. * Witgoud Street
Randfontein, Sudan ****
My Name is Mrs.fatimah usman . I know this will be a surprise to you. Please consider this message as a request from a family in dares need of your help. I am the Wife of Usman omar from Sudan Darfour, My husband Mr. Usman omar was the owner of omar Sea Food Industry in Darfour region and a Farm Land in Darfour region and supplier of Central African Countries with sea food till the Government find out that Darfour region was rich on Oil and Mineral Resources which was discovered by an individual Group called Organization Rebel Movement.
The Government and Rebel Movement are fighting over who will inherit the Darfour region because of the Oil discovered and Rebel Movement are killing all the people in Darfour region to enable them inherit the land and my husband was murdered in cold blood and our Farm, Sea Food Industry was burnt down.
Before then, my husband had moved US $25 Million United States Dollars to South Africa for establishment of another branch in Southern Africa; the fund was deposited in a private Security & Finance Company in the name of my elder son Mr. yusuff omar as the beneficiary. He was killed because of the Oil discovered in our Farm Land since the murderer's, Rebel Movement believed once my husband is killed they will have no challenge in taking over the land.
Now the Rebel Movement turned against us looking for the remaining existing family of Fahad in order to achieve their aim and objective. We decided to leave Darfour for Johannesburg, South Africa to seek Asylum (Refugees) Now all the documents issued when the consignment was deposited has been handed over to our family Lawyer in South Africa who assisted my late husband when the consignment was safely deposited.
The financial laws in South Africa on Refugees do not warrant us to invest the funds here as we cannot operate any bank account, that is why we decided to look for a Foreign Partner that will assist us in moving the funds our from South Africa for my family investment. We have decided to offer you 25% of the total amount, 5% mapped out to defray all expenses that will be incurred during the process of concluding the transaction, while the remaining 70% will be for my family and will be invested in your country under your management.
Immediately you receive this message, kindly contact my elder son Mr.yusuff omar on this Email due to my poor English my son have been mandated to over-sees the transaction with the support of my family Lawyer. Looking forward to hearing from you soonest.
Sincerely yours,
Mrs. Fatimah usman
For The Family.
Intinya dalam surat ini ibu fatimah meminta saya untuk menolong keluarga mereka menjadi pendukung mereka dalam mengambil harta mereka yang masih di dalam sebuah bank akibat perebutan wilayah yang telah memakan korban yaitu suaminya sendiri, dengan imbalan 25% dari harta mereka untuk saya.....Kalau tidak salah mengapa dia mengajak saya itu karena tidak diijinkan dari daerah sana pendukungnya. (*bener ga ya... soalnya aku rada ga fasih tuh dengan bahasa inggris, jd kalo salah maaf ya)
Walau awalnya saya cukup tertarik tetapi karena tidak jelas asal usulnya lebih baik saya tidak menggubrisnya...
apapun itu jika emang sebuah penipuan saya cuma mau bilang pada yang ngirim kalau ORANG INDONESIA GA GAMPANG DITIPU, dan bagi yang lainnya ayo berubah JANGAN GAMPANG TERGIUR DENGAN BUJUK RAYU, agar penipuan ga merajalela lagi.
aku juga pernah dikirim surat seperti itu...tapi yah cuekin aja...hehehe
ReplyDeletewaaahh.. ati2 aja deh kalo terima email kaya gitu...
ReplyDeleteaku udah beberapa kali dapet enail gitu, tapi ya lupakan sajaaaaaa....
wah acy sering tuch dapet email kayak gitu, beda-beda lagi negaranya. emang zaman sekarang yang namanya modus kejahatan makin canggih :)
ReplyDeletesaya baru saja buka email dan dapat kiriman surat mirip demikian,datangnya dari iraq,emm..hati-hati sajalah..
ReplyDeletepokoknya email kayak gitu jgn di gubris.. udah jelas itu penipuan.
ReplyDeleteCuekin aja boz..
ReplyDeletebeh...~ klo aku mah hampir tiap hari dikirimin gtuan...o.- menuh"in inbox aja...
ReplyDeleteAku sering dapat email kayak gitu... sebel juga menuh2in space aja... mana nambah kerjaan harus hapus. Dikira kita mata duitan.... (kalau asli mau tapi kalau cuman surat2 nipu gak lah yaow... hehehe)
ReplyDeleteiya tuh, orang luar nganggep kita ini bangsa terbelakang yg gampang tergiur bujukan mereka....... saku jg pernah dpt email kayak gitu, jgn pernah merasa kita rendah biar orang lain tidak menganggap kita rendah... keep fight bro
ReplyDeletesip betul orang indonesia gak gampang tertipu, tapi gampang/pinter untuk urusan menipu orang, hehehehehe
ReplyDeleteWell, I always get that kind of e-mail, even almost everyday.
ReplyDeleteThe e-mail is actually from any countries that have the same mission, that is asking for favor from the e-mail receiver,,,,,,,,
Just ignore it anytime you receive it Bro
weh, aq tiap hari hampir 50an email kayak gitu masuk inbox ku. anyel banget deh.
ReplyDeleteHehe, saya juga sering sekali nerima email seperti itu ...